
CA Next Bank: Boost staff customer focus

A national insurance group has defined its strategic ambition as being the leader in its sector in terms of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Objectif :

  • The company would like support in developing the customer orientation of its employees and has already launched a number of behavioural training courses.
  • Developing the customer orientation of employees goes beyond the relational postures defined until now. This means transforming the Mindset to help teams think about customers automatically.
  • Extend the approach to all teams (FO, BO and SIEGE)
  • Make this change in mindset the trigger for daily practices geared towards customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Help make this change in attitude the lever for sustainable collective energy, the breeding ground for a more vibrant customer culture

Mission :

  • Work in depth on automatisms and values rather than on reflexive and forced practices: customer-oriented practices will flow naturally from the automatisms we have created.
  • ‘Turn on the customer light’ for all managers and front and back office staff
  • Anchor customer orientation in the practices of managers and employees over the long term

Résultats :

  • 5-week COS IN MIND course for 150 managers (with a Customer Fresco workshop at the start of the course) and around 3,000 employees
  • Training of 20 in-house ambassadors to monitor the project and the courses.
  • Individual customer orientation results for each participant at the start and end of the programme.
  • Individual commitments made by participants during the course
  • A toolbox for managers to help them foster Customer Culture in their teams on a day-to-day basis
  • A customer-focused manager’s handbook containing the best managerial practices in Customer Culture