

Safety without a safety culture is dead!

“On our industrial site, we record the highest number of accidents during the 2 hours preceding the arrival of the safety inspector” (production site manager in the food industry).

The prospect of the quality controller’s arrival causes the number of accidents to soar.

Why is this?
Because of the fear of a “non-compliant” inspection synonymous with a reprimand, the teams scramble around the machines at the last minute to carry out checks… and badaboum, accidents happen because everything is done hastily, with no real integrated notion of safety.

Basically, on this site we do safety because we’ve been asked to!

How can we not draw a parallel with customer culture?
Even today, companies are rushing to define a customer experience/relationship policy. They seek to train their teams to adopt the right behaviors…. But in the absence of a genuine customer culture, this work will be in vain…. Worse, the risk is to generate frustration/rejection among teams who don’t see the “sense” of it all. It’s not that managers haven’t explained it to them, but rather that this meaning is not embodied, and is too often instrumentalized.