Once upon a time, the managers of a group selling chocolates that were too good to eat realized that their products were probably contaminated (it was December). Their lack of customer culture prompted them to pretend it wasn’t serious and light a candle in church every morning, praying that the children wouldn’t get sick before April and the Easter cash machine.
Surprise!!! Unfortunately for these unscrupulous managers, the first cases of contamination were reported in March… and sales plummeted as the managers “apologized” to their customers after lying to the Afsca (regulatory authority).
Here’s an episode which is both the consequence of a weak customer culture (the quest for short-term profit taking precedence over customer satisfaction) and will contribute to the destruction of the group’s customer culture (which employee will trust his managers when they tell them that customers are at the heart of their concerns?)
In short, this is an example of the vicious circle of a lack of customer culture.