

I accuse customers of bearing some of the responsibility for the deterioration in customer relations?

We often deplore the lack of customer awareness among our teams, especially those in contact with the customer. We’re constantly looking for ways to increase customer awareness and optimize the customer experience.
In spite of all our efforts, some of our staff can become discouraged, even through the fault of the customers themselves.
Don’t you find that too many customers are rude, disrespectful, acting in bad faith, stressed, condescending, ungrateful, etc.?
How complicated it is to smile at a jerk who thinks he can do whatever he likes “because he’s paying”. Customers pay, but in return they get a product or service.

Sympathy, smiling and understanding others are non-contractual postures, and there’s no customer-supplier relationship in those things.

So I accuse rude customers of being co-responsible for the shortcomings of our companies’ customer experience.

Some would say that our annoyance is the result of organizations’ lack of customer awareness, so it would be companies who “started it all” 😊
Certainly, some organizations deserve the annoyance that is ours… but perhaps not the employees of those companies.

This doesn’t alter my conviction that companies have a monstrous amount of work to do when it comes to customer culture, but please, all of us, customers that we are, let’s help them too by being good customers!

Let’s encourage people who make an effort, let’s say thank you, let’s leave a tip to show we’ve appreciated a service, let’s kindly reply to an e-mail that provides us with a solution, let’s smile, let’s stop pretending to have power because we’re paying.